Saturday, September 25, 2010

Blankets, and my Grandpa, in Dreams.

A recurring theme in my dreams of late has been that of giving a cold person blankets. A few weeks ago, I dreamed that I was huddled in some blankets (the blankets usually on my bed) when a homeless person approached me and asked me for spare change. The environment was apparently such that I appeared to be wealthier than he, in any case. I told him that while I had no change, I had spare blankets he could keep warm in... and he seemed pleased with this, and took them graciously.

Just now, I awoke from a dream in which I recognized my Grandpa Torbeck was with me. He was reclining on a mattress, and we spoke a bit. The light in the room was the same brightness and colour it had always been in his living room - shaded lamplight, hued a slight orange from the lampshades and wood-paneled walls. I told him that he has many grandchildren to be proud of (ironically only one more than when he passed away, so it's not as if he didn't know this - and indeed, he responded, "I know."), and that I was writing a book (I'm not currently, though I hope to). I mused quietly that I had so much to ask him, and then I noticed he was shivering.

"Grandpa, are you cold?" I asked. "Actually, I'm freezing, buddy," he answered. I covered him with two blankets (again, from among those I generally have on my bed, the warmest two), and he pulled another (one that I had grown up sleeping with but no longer have) over him as well. He fell asleep, looking a frailer man than I had realized him to be at first.

I wonder if there's any significance to the blankets in my dreams... Anyway, this dream meandered through all kinds of scenarios, and this was but the end, but what a joy it was to talk to Grandpa again, even if only in a dream.

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